Here you will find some answers to your questions, if you need some information that is not listed here, please contact us on the Contact page.  We will constantly update this page as questions come to the organization...  Please let us know what you are wondering....  

Q-Will my scores from other organizations be accepted in this organization?
A- Scores from other FCI recognized organizations/Judges will only be recognized.

Q-Is the Branch offering scorebooks and if so, how do I get one?
A- Yes, we have scorebooks, you can obtain one for your dog through your club. Your Club Rep can order scorebooks and have them sent to the club.

Q- Are there individual memberships available, why do I have to belong to a group or club to join?
A- Under FCI rules, we can only permit individual membership through a club, all members MUST belong to a club. This is a rule of the FCI and we must follow their rules.